Small Beginings

Not all launches come with the fanfare and ceremony of a rocket blasting into orbit. Some are much more quiet. Not because the aspirations are less  star bound  but because the way may be a little less clear.  Previously I have kept the two sites quite separate but with my move into a new logo  for this blog and anew direction in my personal life  I am uniting the two sites to one represent two different sides of my photography. This site will continue to  house my ramblings about  the direction of my photography, the challenges I face and as a sounding board to her what you the world outside can add to the conversation.

 The site that I am now connecting to this is my my more business and portfolio showing side. While I will continue to house some pictures here the other side will  house more of my best of. I am currently int he middle of revamping it as we speak and expect to complete this by mid Feb. However in the meantime the bridge is hereby built so that people can wander on over at anytime and see what is going on.

 I think its important that there be some transparency as I think it will only improve my ability to carry a message  to the wider world. Like all things this business venture start is a little wobbly and a little unsure of itself but I definitely believe its the direction to go. Not because we seek to collect huge sums of money (a topic I think many pros would differ with) but because the dreams are bigger and  need to climb higher and not be content with the view from here. So here is a link to Sparkling Drop Photography. Once the site is fully up I will give a little history about the name and what  this all means.


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