The substance of my style!

Many times you will hear people discuss style of photography. It can be an interesting topic.  By this they mean anything from the way they approach a subject to  the value of post processing.  I'm  trying to state in clear terms some basic  directions and tones my photography comes from. First of all as I mentioned before I tend toward a reportage (photojournalistic)  sense of composition. This does not mean I am against a well done portrait. In fact I think the two are not entirely in two different schools. However, that does mean I tend to like a strong narrative in a  series of shot that I take.

        I want to like so many others lay out a cohesive photographic essay that leads you to definite conclusions. I'm less interested in just taking "candids" that feel posed and  show an interruption of continuity. Pacing and structure  are elements that I am actively working on putting together to help the viewer move through the whole series of shots with the idea that somehow they are richer for he experience. Though this is not always possible I think the least amount of words forces the story to be read for what is seen and not what you are told..

 I love dark lush colors, Singular  photography that tries to tell only one story at a time.  I like the sense of peering behind something to see something else.  One of the key elements with my shots is  a fundamental dependence on chiaroscuro. My subjects emerge into the light from shadowy places to show the triumph of the subject.  I am less interested in the story of the hero than I am the everyday man who makes the hero possible.

This may feel like a garbage can being emptied out but I think its important to understand what we are trying to do to know if it is effectively done well.


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