Why I am going back to writing poetry.

 Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings. According to Wikipedia.   It is a deliberate act. Its focus while not necessarily brief is act of creation that pares away excess to boil things down to their essence but not so much that it loses touch with the things necessary to make it complete.
What has this to do with anything about photography?  Everything. In many ways the visual art of photography has often been called a language and its practitioners are artists.    It’s another form of expression.  So why is it so important to declare that this is my goal? Because it’s important that we don’t limit our minds to a singular way of seeing the world. Because in order to show people the world as se perceive it  sometimes we need to go outside of our familiar  ways and do  something more.

 Why poetry and not something more visual. In many ways writing is my first love. (Not you could tell it from the ramblings I do on here)  For many years I use to write poetry and short stories. And it occurred to me that I have allowed this portion of my creative expression to wilt and atrophy.

 This stretching of the brain tissue is what we will need because sometimes we get to ridding that “groove” and we start to not be able to jump to the next level.   So I am picking up the pen and  going to scratch out some words, while they may not be the works of Shakespeare, they will no doubt be true and that is the best we can go out  and do is be true to our vision. And that is a language written or visual we can all appreciate.


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