At last they are here... (France!!!!!)

Down dark streets  to even less well  lit destinations, it seems appropriate that I finish my blog posts for this year on a series of pictures I had been determined to complete for some time. My trip to France in 2013 However 2014 has been without a doubt one of the more stressful periods in my life.  However I can say that I have accomplished more this year photographically than I have ever done.  Several Weddings under my belt. Several Portrait shots,  photographing events all under my professional label Sparkling Drops Photography

 But I needed to get these shots out for you the public to see.  I don't see this as being my most popular shoot, but I see it as the beginning of a long period of introspection . A lot of time was spent starting on this trip asking myself why am I taking pictures. It is appropriate that I found a quote that I find very telling :“Photography is not for the satisfaction of others. Neither is it some kind of responsibility or mission. It is a means to fill a personal void.” ~ Chang Chao-Tan

I'm not sure I entirely agree, but the thought is instructive and I nod my head a lot when I hear it. That being said, I felt I hit a certain groove on this trip and that was nice.  That groove allowed me to express my story telling skills and to observe and advance a theme photographically.

 I hope you the viewer can enjoy the themes I tried to encapsulate here and this provides you a break and  something to ponder.  You have helped me reach some amazing goals.  with over 12.5 views on this site and over 2.5 Million views on my Google plus page  over 1.1 million Google Map views and my follower count on G+  over 1700.  I'm pleased the my European  Travel Photo Community which was struggling to get over a 100 members is now just short of 2000.  Quite a few sizable goals achieved which makes me  realize I can stretch farther  into the future.

 An earlier  entry on this blog captured the first half of  this trip. Below are a few pictures I hope you enjoy and I hope entice you to stick around as I continue my journey...


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