
Photography is one of the strangest arts in that  its a lot about catching the moment.  Studio work  notwithstanding a lot of what makes a shot is that you were able to focus and direct your attention to a particular subject at a particular time and  capture "The moment".  I think  its a mistake to think its only a bout being there at the right place and the right time.  Because when presented the opportunity  if we don;t know what to do with it we can "blow the moment" big time as well.  Also the practice and the effort allow  you the ability to discern when such a moment is upon you and you can reach out and capture it. I happened upon this scene quite by accident and  I am pleased with the results however I am aware that if I had walked upon this same scene a year ago I doubt my execution would have been as correct. Which always gives me pause that I am missing things now that I will wish I had the chance at tomorrow.  Oh well I will have moments then I hope will challenge and inspire me.


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