Starting out
Its a funny thing, I feel no matter how long I have been taking pictures that I am just starting out. One of the more grueling points of taking pictures is looking back at what you thought were good shots in the past and seeing them with a more critical eye. Quite often people ask me how can I improve my pictures. usually what they are talking about is compostion.
For my money I think the best place to get started is with exposure. If you can't figure out the photographic triangle, your just lucky to get the shot. I know there is a space for auto everything but the question really is are you taking the photo or are you giving up all creative control to the camera. Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson I consider crucial to my understanding of how to use a camera. and what is really great about this book is that is that it is so easy to understand. Seriously the whole book could be covereed in one day.
Lots of illustations and the EXIF data right next to each photo so you can rinse and repeat as necesary Enjoy!
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