Visible Lines

I remember talking about  lines in  Math class when I was elementary and they kept telling me they go on forever and there are infinite points and I kept thinking "no they don't"  Well I admit I was wrong... a rare event indeed. However within the confines of a frame the lines can  go "beyond" and direct the viewer to exam the  possibilities of the scene.  So for that purpose they are very useful.  Sometimes they can give a view on perspective that may help to 3Dize a photo. They even give action to a static shot.

 I wanted to deal primarily in this post with visible lines because they are more easily understood and they help the viewer to know what you want them to see. Repeating lines emphasize a point and draw out the viewer.

 I like this picture no doubt because of the straight texture and "roughness" of the wood. But it was the angled lines that got me to take the shot.  Your kind of drawn to explore the space and dig into its nooks and crannies and sometimes taking a pause and really looking at something is worth more than the actual observation is. In that way I feel this photo succeeds. I  have a  color photo that I think is decent but  reducing the picture to black and white forces you to really see the subject and not get caught up in the  side show.  I would like to have gotten a little more texture out of the main plank however I was in a bit of a rush and unable to come back when the sun could have delivered more sidelight  however I give it a pass and I am glad to have the shot. Enjoy...


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