Was working in this picture to really go for the feel of the place. . Its a coffee shop in Vienna, Austria. I specifically did not want to shoot a picture of people. The focus was on the the detritus that tells you where you are with out necessarily beating you on the head with it. The particulars set the mood of the place complete with the newspapers holding some visual weight on the right balancing against the cup on the other hand. Its a simple shot and I think that I should have pushed it farther with a smaller aperture which would have given the eye more things to focus on. I didn't want to make this too noisy so therefore I stopped down and clicked the button. I like the wood grain on the table and there are some elements I like about the picture but overall I am a little disappointed in the strength of the shot. Anyhow this blog is about showing the journey so as you can see its not always up and forward sometimes your stuck in a little bit of a mud hole, even if the scenery is pretty.
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