To Food or not to Food that is the question
Especially when your talking the world of Instagram the question arises should be taking that picture of the food your about to consumer. to put all cards on the table I take lots of shots of food. Now the discussion I am opening up here is not about classic food photography. I am talking about I roll into whatever place it is and as my food arrives I snap shots of it and upload them to the web.
For a lot of people, present company included I think its a bit of a brag. I got to eat at this cool spot Most of us will not travel to that restaurant or place and so the place becomes legend not to be repeated. I think we need to work on this. Bragging really just shows how small you are and puts everyone else down. I do think the best reason to do it is to start up conversations. These conversations can inform us all and make us better participants in the world around us.
Most of the time unfortunately you are stuck with the lighting of the restaurant which is not studio lighting and secondly its using my cellphone( another discussion about cell phone quality another time) Typically on vacation I pull out the big guns and try to capture it then. The point on the trip is to document the food as a key element of the trip so it is less important to be stylistic and more important to document what the meal was and the ambiance. This means its part of a mini photo essay for that evening.
Things to consider, turn off the flash, shoot low. make sure you choose a good focus point and mind what is in the background. Bon Appettit!
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