Saw this old boat and decided to capture the moment. A little ruin in a pretty place is always ripe choice for a picture.
The light was even and offered the right amount of reflection in the water. I like the fact that it is "beached and there is debris inside, suggesting this might not be quite ready for a voyage.
The coloring on the wall blends in with the surface of the boat which matches the water. The only thing setting this off is the the green leaves.

Is this picture a masterpiece no... However I think its sometimes a good idea to go back and explore what catches you eye and how well you did it. The black and white succeeds better in drawing you into the story of the boat without getting lost in the color. Sometimes what black and white allows you to do is reduce the number of distractions and get to the point. They both offer important lessons on what to capture and how we go about it . Keep that in mind and maybe your next selection will float a little better
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