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When the sun shines on you and the warmth of the new day grows and the stirrings of the new day are here how do you feel? Maybe a long yawn, out stretched arms and an awareness that the day ise here. How do you feel? You can jump forward sit up and embrace the new day, Or you can take a moment and say a quiet thank you that you made it through the night and you were blessed to see a new day.
There are people who have come through and been brothers and sisters in deed and not just words. To the others, time to knock the dirt off the shoes. I know that much of the pictures that I show and the material I publish are not the immediate attention getters that perhaps people might want. The pictures are a not a capture of the world outside but the man inside and that is both humbling and scary. So if the pictures seem disparate and without a unifying theme, then welcome aboard friend!
My shutter finger has not been slack and I have been shooting way more than I can remember in the past. However its been different, perhaps because the decision to shoot has been not just something that happens because I am there but more because I become aware of something visually arresting about the moment.
So where are these pictures. Buried.... Buried underneath a large pile of crappy pictures. But I think this is a good thing. In the heat, the decomposition of dead things in the soil. Time turns
it rich and life arises when the circumstances are right. ????? Not sure what this means?
I believe strongly that when your working on the shots when enough time has passed you lose the emotion of the moment . It allows you to see better what needs to be kept and what needs to be left behind. Currently about a year and a half behind from shutter to publishing. However I am throwing out random images on Instagram and my newly updated Website. in addition to my G+ Personal or Professional, and of course Facebook.
Had the opportunity to not only do people shoots but some business shooting which is interesting. Ok, its time to get moving again so glad to see you here with me now, its time to get to work!
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