The Journey

The intensity of the focus has changed a bit . I am shooting a lot more but spending less time in the editing chair. I am well over a year and a half behind on personal projects. I have been working more than ever on paid assignments that has hopefully kept my eye sharp.
Really the thing right now is finding where photography is in my life. It is clearly a passion. I feel I am doing a better job of communicating through my photographs. However that has not translated into more followers for my Instagram feed(ugh!). However its place has been jockeying recently with other concerns and interests. Photography has been a tool for discovery, It has helped me to look deeper at landscapes. At the same time it has helped me to look more critically at smiles. Because of photography I findfocusing on the small details you realize how much they either contribute or detract from seeing things as you want them to be seen.
But like a car its the tool to arrive at a place not the reason for the journey and that is what I have been thinking deeply about. There are some who believe the journey is the reason for the trip, others will tell you its about the destination. I think it depends. So that is the state of where I am asking questions and really isn't that photography is about asking what is it you are looking at. Sometimes figuring that out is a journey in you mind.
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