Feeling the burn

Its hard saying when I first noticed it. But its good. I've gotten asked about paid work before. I have been asked if I do prints before. I have been asked to share things before. But there is a distinctly different quality to it now. Maybe because its no longer just friends who are doing the asking. Maybe because the majority of likes are no longer from people you know in your personal life.
Does this mean I'm there? That I am content? That I no longer need to practice? Far from it. I am more aware of my shortcomings, I see the problems as soon as I compose. But this no longer prevents me from feeling good. From exercising my abilities in a way that emphasizes what I feel are my strong points. One funny thing I have noticed is that when people ask me what I like to take pictures of its a harder question. Which is funny because earlier I was so clear.
Its a feeling of strength and and power that just wants you to push harder. And reach deeper int your bag. The only thing that I can ascribe this to this recent surge is the decisions to prune away things that are not core. In furtherance of this it means I will limit the subjects I shoot also. Why?
Its necessary to do less so that you can do more. Because the burn feels good.
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