We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well.....and live.
No One Cares about your Photo ( in conclusion)
I note that my personal Instagram page with no pictures has often times had more followers than the Pro one? But do likes denote connection or just a temporary smile at something novel? So this is not a rehash.
The reference is to a film from the Late 50's where there are galley slaves on a Roman Trireme who have been pressed into service of this warship. Their job/life purpose/goal/direction is simple ....ROW!
The only reason they are not tossed out of the ship is simple, because they can row. and their ability to perform this function says a lot about their life quality. So why this analogy? If the pictures you take derive their value from the amount of thought of others you will find probably a deep emptiness that cannot be satisfied by even the best of efforts. However if you do it for yourself. Your ability to execute (row) will mean you have reason to continue to execute. Meaning you're no longer taking pictures for anyone else. Your capturing moments for yourself. Whether this means your using it to jog your own memory, your taking it to test your skill, your stretching your skills , or to do something you could only dream of doesn't matter.
Battle Speed (2X)
There is the humdrum grab a shot with your cell phone that comes if you can recall. But that isn't what this is about. It's a directed effort to excel. Its not motivated to simply to see something different. Its function is not to simple to note the novel, to showcase the event because its just an event. Its worth practicing because you don't often get a second chance at a life moment. So you want to learn your way around the camera without looking. You want to understand bokeh. Your desire is not to impress others but to impress yourself.Its in the steady drumbeat. The persistence that shows its fruitage in the confidence in knowing you can deliver the shot you need when you need it. The practice has a strong cadence of repeated effort in that you can’t sit back and hope things work out. Regularity like a heart beat delivers the goods.
Attack Speed (3X)
More than just regularity, The goal is visible. What Goals? Perhaps you have looked at the captures you have made and you notice they are only one dimensional. Maybe all your pictures show people in happy moods. Nothing wrong with that. But perhaps you could try to show the quiet joy of a parent seeing their child accomplish something. Perhaps the confident beaming eyes of a successful endeavor brought to conclusion. Basically where there maybe no smile on the lips but the mood is obvious, You may have done many beautiful sunsets but how is your mid afternoon shot? Does it just stick out or does it awe you?
Attack speed is not simply doing what you can on a regular basis but having a deliberate goal in view and being able to accomplish it successfully. The difference between doing something well that you put no thought into can’t be compared to the joy that comes from a decision to improve that results in you knowing you have accomplished it.
It also means when rowing at this speed you aren’t looking out the side windows at the view. There are some things you are going to have to let go. Maybe you can’t take every picture you want because it will take time away from the one you want to take. You might have to lose a little shut eye to catch that dawn break. Stay with a person a little longer because the smile only looks so so. Tenaciousness mark this period of success
When you heard the drum beat of the attack speed you thought how are you going to keep this up? Ramming speed you though….. no way. But that is where you are. The goal is not a far away. Its there, it in your sights. You have only to make contact with it. Its noteworthy that when this scene occurs several of the rowers gave up. Its true. not many are going to be able to achieve this level of discipline, Sweaty exertion is more than customary, it how you live. It may mean you have to take a class, read a book, buy the new lens. But the success that comes at this level is for all the marbles.
Now at this point there is a lot of whipping going on and people shouting. Why because its a bit painful. Self doubt, deadlines, Mental/physical exhaustion way be taking there toll. Its at that moment you need to think about why your doing this. Just like pretty pictures, then just open up Instagram. Like the attention you get when other people say they “like” your picture. just share others work you will get more oohs and aahs. Your goal, the boat your ramming into isn’t even as important. Yes, it would be great to produce a picture that years later is still amazing top you, however that pales in significance and will not keep you in the fight, like knowing “ We Keep you alive to serve this ship, row well and live”’
You need to remember always your doing this for yourself. Your doing this because these are your memories, your captures, your moments in life. That was not just a sunset on a quiet beach with a campfire. It was your star filled night spent listening to the incoming tide. Its not just smile from a child, it is your child full of love and giddy happiness hysterically smiling at you. They are worth the effort because your life is worth remembering even if no one else but you believe it to be true. Which is reason enough to row well.
If your a friend of cinema you might recognize the reference, which I find very applicable to the thought expressed earlier. It follows that understanding few if any persons really spend effort into understanding the meaning or the import or even the reason for the photo. If you ever want to validate the thought. Take any picture from a magazine or social media of someone you don't know or care about share the picture and tell people it's your favorite niece or nephew. Watch all the oohs and aahs. Now think about all the pictures you have done in the past, was it really your picture that was that great or was it people's relationship to you?
I note that my personal Instagram page with no pictures has often times had more followers than the Pro one? But do likes denote connection or just a temporary smile at something novel? So this is not a rehash.
The reference is to a film from the Late 50's where there are galley slaves on a Roman Trireme who have been pressed into service of this warship. Their job/life purpose/goal/direction is simple ....ROW!
The only reason they are not tossed out of the ship is simple, because they can row. and their ability to perform this function says a lot about their life quality. So why this analogy? If the pictures you take derive their value from the amount of thought of others you will find probably a deep emptiness that cannot be satisfied by even the best of efforts. However if you do it for yourself. Your ability to execute (row) will mean you have reason to continue to execute. Meaning you're no longer taking pictures for anyone else. Your capturing moments for yourself. Whether this means your using it to jog your own memory, your taking it to test your skill, your stretching your skills , or to do something you could only dream of doesn't matter.
Battle Speed (2X)
There is the humdrum grab a shot with your cell phone that comes if you can recall. But that isn't what this is about. It's a directed effort to excel. Its not motivated to simply to see something different. Its function is not to simple to note the novel, to showcase the event because its just an event. Its worth practicing because you don't often get a second chance at a life moment. So you want to learn your way around the camera without looking. You want to understand bokeh. Your desire is not to impress others but to impress yourself.Its in the steady drumbeat. The persistence that shows its fruitage in the confidence in knowing you can deliver the shot you need when you need it. The practice has a strong cadence of repeated effort in that you can’t sit back and hope things work out. Regularity like a heart beat delivers the goods.
Attack Speed (3X)
More than just regularity, The goal is visible. What Goals? Perhaps you have looked at the captures you have made and you notice they are only one dimensional. Maybe all your pictures show people in happy moods. Nothing wrong with that. But perhaps you could try to show the quiet joy of a parent seeing their child accomplish something. Perhaps the confident beaming eyes of a successful endeavor brought to conclusion. Basically where there maybe no smile on the lips but the mood is obvious, You may have done many beautiful sunsets but how is your mid afternoon shot? Does it just stick out or does it awe you?
Attack speed is not simply doing what you can on a regular basis but having a deliberate goal in view and being able to accomplish it successfully. The difference between doing something well that you put no thought into can’t be compared to the joy that comes from a decision to improve that results in you knowing you have accomplished it.
It also means when rowing at this speed you aren’t looking out the side windows at the view. There are some things you are going to have to let go. Maybe you can’t take every picture you want because it will take time away from the one you want to take. You might have to lose a little shut eye to catch that dawn break. Stay with a person a little longer because the smile only looks so so. Tenaciousness mark this period of success
When you heard the drum beat of the attack speed you thought how are you going to keep this up? Ramming speed you though….. no way. But that is where you are. The goal is not a far away. Its there, it in your sights. You have only to make contact with it. Its noteworthy that when this scene occurs several of the rowers gave up. Its true. not many are going to be able to achieve this level of discipline, Sweaty exertion is more than customary, it how you live. It may mean you have to take a class, read a book, buy the new lens. But the success that comes at this level is for all the marbles.
Now at this point there is a lot of whipping going on and people shouting. Why because its a bit painful. Self doubt, deadlines, Mental/physical exhaustion way be taking there toll. Its at that moment you need to think about why your doing this. Just like pretty pictures, then just open up Instagram. Like the attention you get when other people say they “like” your picture. just share others work you will get more oohs and aahs. Your goal, the boat your ramming into isn’t even as important. Yes, it would be great to produce a picture that years later is still amazing top you, however that pales in significance and will not keep you in the fight, like knowing “ We Keep you alive to serve this ship, row well and live”’
You need to remember always your doing this for yourself. Your doing this because these are your memories, your captures, your moments in life. That was not just a sunset on a quiet beach with a campfire. It was your star filled night spent listening to the incoming tide. Its not just smile from a child, it is your child full of love and giddy happiness hysterically smiling at you. They are worth the effort because your life is worth remembering even if no one else but you believe it to be true. Which is reason enough to row well.
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