The Break is Over (Part 3)
There comes a time when the muse is no longer content to be riding in the back of the car. She is back to driving you places you never knew you wanted to go. That is actually what defines it as a break and not the end of your creativity No longer do you just muse over ideas, rather you are itchy to get started. Your trigger finger is dying to get a little action in.
The break allowed your imagination to lay some new tracks in your brain and you have to get out them find there way out artistically But you have to remember not to forget the things you learned before. Its putting the things you did in the past together with your new vision that sets you catapulting to new heights of skill and artistry Some discipline is in order to really hone it in but the results can be marvelous as you find that the things you do now were not possible till you had this break.
I came off this huge vacation where my camera just devoured the flora and fauna of life. But I was exhausted and the thought of clicking seemed beyond me. However now I feel inspired by life itself and the stuff that I do now just puts me on a whole new level of quality and accomplishments. Enjoy and buckle up I think this ride is about to get Fun!
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